Pextax iQZoom 150SL: A little piece of gold

Recently, I found out one of my favourite camera vendors was leaving the local flea market. He had been running a stand at the flea market for a little over a decade and he was now in is mid seventys and age was taking a toll on him. He struggled to haul his wares around, and the exposure to the weather at the outdoor market wasn't helpful either. ... Read more
It's OK to get it all wet: Pentax zoom90-WR

I have made it no secret, how I used to naively look down on point-and-shoot film cameras. Lately, I have come to regard them as incredible pieces of engineering. When you truly think about them, even the very average ones you can find, you realize how well these cameras were made. Several intricate parts like motors, gears, and electronics packed ... Read more
Let's start with the Pentax P30t, and a 28mm, f2.8 Auto Rokinon MC

On a visit to a local thrift store, in search of a cheap study desk, I chanced upon this beauty sitting on one of the shelves. Wrapped in a foggy plastic bag, I couldn't really tell what exactly it was from a distance. I thought it looked interesting, and after a closer inspection I found out it was a camera. But what kind? I couldn't tell. When I ... Read more