Minolta Maxxum 400si: Much better than I expected

My first experience with a Minolta AF camera — and for that matter any Minolta camera — ended in a huge disappointment. The camera, appearing to be in good working condition, produced terribly underexposed images. Somehow, this experience reinforced the negative notion I was gathering from the internet about Minolta's AF cameras. Regardless of ... Read more
Minolta Maxxum 300si: I really had high hopes for this one

The value Camera Collector It won't be wrong to consider myself a budget conscious camera collector. I mean, it'll be very difficult to get me to spend anything above 20 bucks — a figure that I already consider quite high — on a used camera, especially one that that doesn't have the clout. If you are a collector of any kind, you know ... Read more
Wonderfully Odd: Fujica AZ-1 and the Mamiya Sekor Lens

I'm always on the hunt for cheap cameras. As far as I'm concerned, there's really nothing as exciting as finding a very good camera with a sub $20 price tag. It seems I have developed a craving that makes it impossible for me to drive by a thrift store without walking in to see what they have on the camera shelves. Call it FOMO if you want, but ... Read more
Nikon EM: Just cute, simple and friendly

The last place I ever expected to find a used camera for sale was a used bookstore. So, you could imagine my surprise when I found this beauty during one such visit to a local bookstore. At the time of this visit, I was exclusively hunting for SLRs and, just as you would expect, I picked it up without thinking. At around 25 bucks, it was a little ... Read more
Let's start with the Pentax P30t, and a 28mm, f2.8 Auto Rokinon MC

On a visit to a local thrift store, in search of a cheap study desk, I chanced upon this beauty sitting on one of the shelves. Wrapped in a foggy plastic bag, I couldn't really tell what exactly it was from a distance. I thought it looked interesting, and after a closer inspection I found out it was a camera. But what kind? I couldn't tell. When I ... Read more